5 Healthy Winter Snack Options

Winter season means more intake of in-between meal snacks. Whether to keep you warm or just the winters being heavy on the appetite, it is impossible to avoid it. But it is also the season when gaining weight is much easier than losing it, so finding snacks that are healthy yet tasty is crucial. 

Here are 5 snacks that are healthy, warm and yummilicous!

Roasted Seed Mix

Dry roast and grind flaxseeds. Add a little jaggery to this powder, throw some crushed walnuts, magaz and pumpkin seeds. Tasty panjiri is ready to curb those sweet cravings. Oil and preservative free!


Chikki is the perfect combination of crunchy peanuts and jaggery. Winter is the best time to gorge on these delicious bite-sized candies. Peanuts have a warm effect on the body and along with jaggery, give you an instant energy boost that will satiate your hunger as well.

Roasted nuts

Cashew nuts are a rich source of vitamin E and have anti-ageing properties that help your skin glow in the cold months. Furthermore, peanuts make you feel fuller for long and are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. Having them roasted gives you a delightful sense of warmth and fullness!


Foxnuts also known as makhanas are one of the healthiest and most interesting snacks. It is great for heart health and tastes yummy once roasted with some salt , pepper or any spice of your choice!

Popped Chips

During winter, we look for comfort in warm and tasty foods. And that’s why you can never deny the snack you love. Popped chips are here to satisfy your cravings. They are super light, extra crunchy and gluten-free!

You can also use dry roasted dal namkeen or soaked moong beans as snack alternatives. There are many options for healthy snacks and meals which can help you stay in shape this winter!