10 energy boosting foods

10 energy boosting foods

To lead a healthy lifestyle sustaining energy levels become a must. Read the list of 10 energy-boosting foods.

 The stressful lifestyle and the pressure to make two ends meet makes us exhausted. To keep up with the tiring routine we need to make our bodies energised to be able to persistently carry on the daily tasks. 

 All food that we eat contains nutrients and provide energy but some foods give that extra boost of energy that is needed to survive through some weary days by maintaining the energy levels, alertness and focus.

Healthy carbohydrates are the main source of energy. Foods having good quality protein also provides energy as they are involved in the production of cellular energy in the body.

1. Banana:

Banana can boost energy as they are an amazing source of complex carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin B6. You can add a banana to your breakfast or even have it as an evening snack to gain that extra energy.

 2. Spinach:

Many of us would have started eating spinach after gaining inspiration from one of our favourite childhood cartoons- Popeye. Contrary to what is depicted in the cartoon where Popeye immediately gains muscle strength that doesn’t happen in real life.

 But the fact cannot be ruled out that spinach is a rich source of iron, magnesium and potassium. 

 Magnesium plays an important role in energy production and together with potassium, it is essential for nerve and muscle function.

 3. Eggs:

Eggs can kickstart the day by fuelling the body with a good dose of energy. As they are full of protein it sustains energy in the body.

 Leucine, an amino acid is abundant in eggs and is involved in stimulating energy production. It helps the cell to take in more blood sugar, activate the production of energy in the cells and increase the breakdown of fat to produce more energy.

 Eggs contain vitamin B which help enzymes break down food to produce energy.

 4. Apple:

We all have heard the phrase, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Well, including an apple in our diet will keep the body healthy and indeed it will keep the doctor away.

 Because of their natural sugar and fibres, apples provide a slow and sustained energy release.

 Apples being rich in antioxidants, slow the digestion of carbs and release energy for an extended period of time.

5. Fatty Fish:

Fatty fish like rohu, rawas have a good source of protein, fatty acids and vitamin B. 

 Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation which is one of the causes we may experience fatigue. 

 Vitamin B12 associates with folate to produce red blood cells and enable better functioning of iron in the body which reduces fatigue.

 6. Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet potatoes have complex carbohydrates which take time for the body to digest, thus releasing a steady supply of energy.

 They are also packed with magnesium, iron and vitamin C. The vitamin C in sweet potatoes transport fat in the cells of the body for producing energy.

 7. Water:

It is vital to drink enough water during the day, as dehydration may make the body feel sluggish and fatigued by slowing down bodily functions.

 Drinking water can help fight fatigue and boost energy levels. It is recommended to drink water regularly in intervals throughout the day.

 8. Leafy Green Vegetables:

The vegetables which we abhorred as children are actually are our life saviours. We all must have thrown tantrums to not eat some of the leafy greens but turns out they are nutritious than our junk and we will have to resort to them for our health.

 Leafy green vegetables are loaded with iron, calcium, potassium, vitamins A, C, E and K. Moreover, they have fibre, antioxidants and folic acid.

The iron content in them replenishes the body and vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron in the body. 

9. Dark Chocolate:

Dark chocolate contains higher cocoa content than milk chocolate. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants and has health benefits like increasing blood flow in the body.

The antioxidants deliver the oxygen to brain and muscles and improve their function. The blood flow increased by cocoa help reduce fatigue and enhances mood.

10. Lentils:

Lentils provide loads of nutrients, proteins and help to provide good energy levels.

Lentils can increase energy levels by plenishing levels of folate, magnesium, zinc and iron. These nutrients help in cellular energy production and breakdown the nutrients for the release of energy. 

 Other foods like yoghurt, seeds, nuts, beetroots, green tea and beans are also beneficial to boost energy levels.

 If you want more energy, by adding these foods to your diet you can reap its various health benefits.