5 Reasons Why You Need to Eat Dragonfruit AKA Kamalam

5 Reasons Why You Need to Eat Dragonfruit AKA Kamalam 

Life has changed drastically for a humble fruit like Dragonfruit since it got rechristened in India and started trending more than your average social media influencers ever would(quite a feat for a simple fruit, eh?). It has been proposed that it be called ‘Kamalam’ in India. It resembles a Lotus, which is coincidentally India’s national flower.

Ironically, the fruit has no connections with a certain neighbouring country, as the name suggests, as it majorly grows in South America, more so, in Columbia. 

All this aside, if you haven’t had a dragonfruit yet then do yourself a favour, grab a ripe dragonfruit and dig a spoon into the jelly-like pulp to understand how good the texture is and the subtle fruitiness will surely win your heart. 

Here are 5 reasons why you need to eat dragon fruit AKA Kamalam and bask in the glory of this speckled fruit! 

Reason No. 1: Loaded with nutrients 

It is loaded with antioxidants which helps prevent different kinds of cancers. It is also full of fiber which is right for your bowels and keeps your heart healthy and pumping. If you have more fiber in your diet, it will fill you up quickly and make you less hungry. 

Reason 2: Good for your gut health

A healthy gut is the cornerstone of a healthy body and a peaceful mind. Kamalam is brimming with prebiotics that help cultivate good bacteria that fight the harmful bacteria in your body and keep your gut healthy.  

Reason 3: Boosts your immune system

Kamalam is a good source of Vitamin C which pumps up our immunity by multiplying the number of white blood cells in our body and that helps us keep a lot of viruses at bay. 

Reason 4: It may help in maintaining your sugar levels

Studies have shown that it propagates the growth of insulin that helps in breaking down sugar in your body and that way, it keeps the sugar levels low. 

Reason 5: Dragonfruit is a rich source of iron

Our body runs on oxygen and the only way to transport it to all the organs of the body is with iron. Kamalam/ Dragonfruit is full of iron and many people who have an acute deficiency of this nutrient are advised to consume an ample amount of Kamalam to increase their levels. 

Now that we’ve enlightened you with the benefits of Kamalam - wait no more and head to the nearest fruit mart and try these tropical gems for yourself.