A healthy taste bud adventure

Yes, healthy cooking had always been my passion. It all started with my Rotarian friend. It was 10th May’20, her daughter’s birthday. During this pandemic, she didn’t want to order food from outside. She thought of me and ordered food from me as she knew I used to prepare healthy dishes for my family. And her daughter just loved the food.

Likewise, there is a working couple with her in-laws and a daughter in my building. The lady is a teacher and had on-line classes all day long, after which she was exhausted to prepare dinner for her family. But she wanted healthy food for her family and liked by her fussy daughter also.


अद्यते अस्मै इति अन्नम् । That which is eaten is known as anna. ‘Substances that have good taste and odour, have an attractive appearance, which when consumed in an appropriate manner and quantity get digested and absorbed into the body, can replenish the wear and tear of muscles, generate new nutrients and energy required by the body, can give a feeling of contentment and Anand (Bliss) to the mind, are known as anna (Food)’. Why do we eat? The primary reason is to get energy and maintain the life force. But over time, and with our ever-wandering mind, we have devised delicious cuisines that are the subject of the tongue, more than that of the stomach!

A Healthy Taste Bud Adventure! My culinary life was not exactly exciting growing up with my in-laws and husband with a fixed menu which they were eating for years. We rarely ate any vegetable and the one’s we ate were fixed like Potato, Dudhi, Bhindi, Karela etc. and with-it dal or some other gravy. Not a lot of variety and not a colored vegetable in sight! दीवानगी मुझे भी थी जायकों के संग चलने की जिम्मेदारियों ने मुझे बस दूर कर दिया। Getting from there to the food-loving and preparing person I am today has been a long and fun journey. A journey that has taken me on adventures I could have never hoped for or imagined. I’ll begin with my children. My elder son was very fussy regarding food, since childhood only. He ate selected foods. I was worried about his nutritional needs which were not getting fulfilled. Then I started applying my nutritional theory. I started supplementing the dishes with foods that gave him and my family the required nutrients like proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, etc.

First and foremost, I put him and my family in the habit of having CURD/ YOGHURT may it be any season of the year. You must be wondering whether it is safe to have in winter season?? But I must tell you that curd parse does not do any harm during winters. Only that it should be normal and not cold. Curd has a vast amount of nutrients as compared to milk. Curd can be taken in any form like Lassi, Buttermilk, Raita, Mishti Dahi which can be again fortified with Jaggery etc.

Hide” a new food with other foods they already like.

Then I started by adding white Sesame seeds (White Til) to many dishes. You will be amazed to know that these tiny seeds are rich in magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, thiamin, niacin, folic acid, and vitamin B6. It is also a rich source of dietary fiber and contains riboflavin that helps boost energy levels. Til can be added to various dishes like Pav Bhaji, Gravies, Paranthas, Chutneys, and Sauces, etc. Til laddoo is everyone’s favorite.

In Pav Bhaji, you can add additional vegetables like Beetroot, French Beans, etc. I add an extra amount of Capsicums in it as they are an excellent source of vitamin A and C. They are also a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin E, B6, and folate. But eating too much capsicum could cause stomach pain and kidney and liver damage.

Likewise, while making tamarind chutney you can add jaggery which is rich in protein, minerals & vitamins. I have a habit of adding Jaggery in almost each & every vegetable, curries & Dals.

“The way to make our brains learn to like healthier foods would be to increase the flavors of these healthy foods to provide some other sensory enjoyment. Possibly adding something to make it smell good, taste good, and look good.”

With most of us stuck at home during the coronavirus pandemic, our eating habits have had to change.

“Remember that healthy food can and should taste good!” said Buckingham. “This is a great time to experiment in the kitchen and find ways to prepare food so that you find it tasty and look forward to eating it.”

Some healthy snacks can be made in 5 mnts. and are also loaded with nutrients. 1. Egg is a perfect protein because it contains all the amino acids required by the human body. 2. On days when you crave for something 'meetha', 3. Tangy and spicy peanut chaat is easy to make and can be relished by almost everyone in the household. What's more, peanuts are an amazing source of plant-based protein. 4. Dry roast 100 gram of makhana (fox nuts) along with a handful of almonds, peanuts, and walnuts in a tablespoon of ghee – makhanas are a very good source of proteins, fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. 5. It is hearty, filling, and easily meets your daily protein and carbohydrate requirements without the fuss of cooking. 6. You that much-needed boost of energy when the days get too long to bear instead of aerated drinks.

Eat With a Different Set of Taste Buds.

Food plays a central role in strengthening the body physically and mentally. Replace the habit of consuming junk food with wholesome foods that can help improve the body’s overall well-being.

So, continuing with the story of a working couple, I decided to apply my knowledge of Food & Nutrition and started my own venture. My husband suggested the name,” Haute Home Cuisine”. According to the name, as it means, I serve premium INDIAN dishes prepared with utmost care and hygiene.

उन दिनों के रसोईं की खुशबू अब कहाँ नसीब होती हैवो खुशबू जिसमे अपनेपन के झलक महसूस होती है।

कामयाब कोशिश है तुम्हे कुछ लाजबाब परोसने की मेहमान बन कर ही सही एक बार चख कर तो देखिए।