All the Pizzas we ate in Italy

We started off with our trip in Florence which is in the Tuscan region of Italy. The pizza was delicious with a thin crust soft base. This one is a Margherita with bell peppers.

My husband and I are big fans of pizza ! We went to Italy for our honeymoon and all we could think about is all the different types of pizzas we will be eating on this trip since we were in the birth country of Pizza! It was 15 days of non stop Pizza and Gelatos (another Italian delicacy).

Through this journey we realised that although Pizza is a single dish it is cooked differently throughout Italy. The pizzas in Rome were different from the ones in Naples and so on. After eating almost 10-12 meals as pizza we decided that the original Napoletana Pizza was our favourite and I tried recreating that recipe from scratch over lockdown! Check out my recipes for how to make Pizza at home from scratch... It can be time consuming but trust me you won't be disappointed :)

- Nikita Shah

This was at our hotel in Milan. We had a long day and just wanted to eat some pizza and crash! Turns out the pizzas they served at the restaurant was American style. We had one with mixed veggies.

When in Rome do what the Romans Do! We literally stood for more than an hour to eat at this restaurant called Pizzeria Da Baffetto! One of the most popular pizzerias in the city and omg it was worth the wait! The pizza here was a nice thin and crispy crust. We decided to have a Marinara & Margherita.

We then went on a day trip to Vatican City. It was super hot that day however our saviour was definitely this pizza by the slice! I had a Margherita and my husband had one with mushrooms.

This image shows exactly how hungry we woke up! Yes we had pizza for breakfast. We were at Cinque Terre on the eastern coast of Italy and they served rectangular shaped pizzas. Super easy to access and undoubtedly the best breakfast buy!

We now made it literally to the city where Pizza was born, Naples!!! And we went to one of the very first pizzerias there were in the city started in 1870! We stood in a queue for 2 hours to enter this pizzeria and it is one of the cheapest and most well known pizzerias in the country! Also it is frowned upon if you share your pizza haha... so although it was our second lunch of the day we landed up eating a pizza each! And why not we were in the city where pizza was born! This was also one of my favourite styles of pizza and the recipe of which I have tried recreating.

We went to the island of Capri for a day trip and were a little disheartened to not find many pizzerias there however we came across one where they were serving bruschetta styled pizzas! Not my favourite but was a great addition to all the different types we had been eating in the country!

Our last bite of pizza in Italy was this pizza by slice at the airport when our flight was delayed by 2 hours! Last few moments in Italy and we definitely had to make it worth by eating another slice of heavenly Pizza! One of our favourite dishes and go to food :)