Baking Sugar free tarts

About some months ago , I tasted tart and that sweet filled tart was so yummy that I too started to learn the technique how to make it in home. It's simple. What I prepared is bit healthy keeping diabetic people in mind. So to bake sUGARFREE FRUITY CREAM CHEESE TARLETS , all you need is refined flour, coconut sugar, nutralite butter, pinch of salt for the base preparation and whipping cream, coconut sugar, cream cheese for the cream cheese filling and some chopped fruits for toppings. 
Mix coconut sugar and light butter thoroughly till becomes creamy, then add refined flour and pinch of salt to it and blend properly . Add the mixture to the tart tins and shape it. Bake it for 15-20 mins till done. Remove and cool down. Now for the filings, whisk cold whisking cream, coconut sugar and beat till fluffy, then add cream cheese and again beat for about 10 mins. Cheese filling is now done. Pour the cheese filling on the cooled tartlets, garnish with chopped fruits and enjoy .