Benefits of Winter Super Fruits

Winter is here and it is the perfect time to boost our immunity against cold and other diseases. 

Keeping our immunity as a priority is the need of the hour due to the pandemic. The change in weather also requires a change in our diet and seasonal fruits are our best bet. Not only do we have to combat this dangerous disease but also the problems that are arising due to the changes it has brought in our routine life. Issues like joint pain, weight gain and vitamin D deficiency needs to be targeted and our bodies need to be armoured with the goodness of winter super fruits. With winters come all the agonising problems of hair-fall, low immunity and dry-skin. Therefore, it becomes imperative to include nutrient-rich food in our diet during winters. 

The adage, “You are what you eat” remains true and it’ll never go out of style. 

So let’s have a look at super fruits that you should include in your diet and give yourself some much required food-based immunity this season.

1. Gooseberry: 

Known as amla in India, this fruit is a winter essential and you can potentially find it in every Indian household during winters. This fruit is packed with vitamin C and B and includes nutrients like calcium, phosphorous, copper and manganese. Amla has anti-oxidant properties which enable our body to fight free-radicals which can cause several types of cancer. Anti-oxidants improve heart health by lowering the LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, also called “bad” cholesterol which poses a risk of heart disease. As gooseberries are high in fibre, they slow the sugar absorption into our blood streams, thus controlling the blood sugar levels. Potassium is good for maintaining good blood vessel health. The potassium in gooseberry helps in maintaining a regular heartbeat and blood pressure which reduces the chances of heart disease and stroke. Also, amla has anti-ageing properties that are good for our skin and hair as well. You can have this in the form of pickles, chutney, juices or eat them as it is by fermenting them in water and salt.

2. Banana: 

Very few of us might know that banana is a berry. Quite a revelation! Banana is the powerhouse of several nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, copper, to name a few. Bananas have fiber that aids in digestion. Bananas have two types of primary fibers: pectin and resistant starch. Pectin decreases when the banana ripes and resistant starch is found in unripe bananas. The resistant starch escapes digestion and ends up in the large intestine, which then becomes the food for the good bacteria in your gut. The pectin fiber can be beneficial to help protect against colon cancer. Bananas can make you feel full due to pectin and resistant starch as they have an appetite reducing effect and alleviates the feeling of being full after a meal. Bananas are a good source of potassium which is essential for healthy kidney function and blood pressure control. Including bananas in your diet and eating them regularly may help reduce kidney diseases by 50%. Bananas can also give relief from menstrual cramps because of potassium and vitamin B6 present in them. It is extremely easy to include bananas in your diet in the form of eating it as it is, peanut butter and banana smoothie and banana oatmeal.

3. Lemon: 

Lemon has turned out to be the superhero during this pandemic and we have consumed it religiously in various forms. People swear by starting their day with hot lemon water. Lemon boosts immunity and is packed with nutrients like vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium, fiber and magnesium. It’s a no brainer that lemon is a good source of vitamin C and may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and lowers blood pressure. Lemons can improve our skin by reducing wrinkles, dry skin ageing and damage caused by the sun. It aids digestion and helps prevent constipation. Drinking hot lemon water may also help improve your digestive system. The citric acid in lemons is said to help prevent kidney stones. Drinking lemon water would help flush out kidney stones. To include lemon in your diet, you can drink hot lemon water or squeeze a good amount of lemon juice on your salad.

4. Plums: 

Plums, or known as Aloo Bukhara in Hindi, contains fifteen valuable vitamins and minerals. As plums are an excellent source of antioxidants, it can help improve heart health. They have high levels of polyphenol antioxidants which is beneficial for bone health and reduce the risk of diabetes. Plums have vitamin K and potassium, which helps absorb iron in our body. This fruit contains an adequate amount of copper and iron, which helps in the formation of red blood cells which further helps in the purification of blood and healthy blood circulation. The vitamin C and antioxidants present in plums keep the skin radiant and glowing. You can include plum in your diet by having it as a fruit or include it in your salads.

5. Orange: 

Oranges are a highly nutritious citrus fruit which are a source of fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. Oranges have a low glycemic index of 31-51 and this low level of GI restricts the increase in blood sugar. When eaten with iron-rich food oranges may help prevent anaemia. Though oranges are not an abundant source of iron, vitamin C and citric acid present in oranges increases the absorption of iron from the digestive tract. Oranges are a good source of citrates and citric acid, which are believed to prevent kidney stones. You can eat oranges as a whole, have its juice without sugar, but it’s recommended to eat oranges rather than having it in the form of juice because the juice has lesser fiber content.

6. Guava: 

Not only guava but its leaves too are beneficial for our health. Guava is remarkably rich in nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, fiber and has abundant antioxidants. Guava and guava leaves both have an anti-cancer effect and prevent the growth of cancerous cells in the body. Vitamin A in guava is responsible for boosting our vision and can also help prevent cataract and macular degeneration. Guavas are fruitful for pregnant women as it contains folic acid (vitamin B9), which helps develop the foetus’ nervous system and protects the newborn from neurological diseases. Vitamin B3 and B6 in guava help improve blood circulation to the brain and stimulates cognitive functions and helps relax the nerves. Guava leaves boiled in hot water or consumed as tea helps in treating acne, improve skin texture, reduce cholesterol levels and control diabetes. You can have guava in many interesting ways like guava chat, guava jam and even guava ice-cream.

Now that winter is in its full swing; you can enjoy these fruits and build your immunity and get all the essential nutrients for a healthy body.