Best Homemade Farali Recipes

Do you fast? If not, you may have observed your mother or grandmother hold farali on religiously auspicious days. While back then the food options may have been limited to fruits and milk, now we have a variety of tasty, healthy and farali appropriate recipes. 


If you are bored of eating fruits or ordering farali food from outside, you have reached your destination. Keep reading to find out about the best homemade farali food list of recipes that you can easily make by yourself. Of course, Sago remains on the top of this list!


1. Sabudana/ Sago Pearl Khichdi 


While you can find thousands of versions for a good sabudana khichdi, here is the 4-ingredient recipe that caught our eye. 

  • Soak 1 cup of sago for 6 to 8 hours(1.5 cups water for every 1 cup of sago)
  • Drain the sabudana and set it aside to dry
  • Boil one big potato and dice it and if you are into spicy food, slice some fresh green chillis
  • Roast a quarter cup of peanuts in ghee and crush them in a mixie grinder
  • In a non-stick pan, put one spoonful of ghee and fry the chilli and potato until golden brown.
  • Add dried sago along with these spices - Amchur/ chat masala, Coriander, salt and cover the pan.
  • Once the sago turns colourless, add the crushed roasted peanuts and mix well.
  • For the crunchy bottom, put one spoon of ghee around the sides of the pan and cook the khichdi for 2 minutes without the lid on medium heat.

Tip- Wash the sago before soaking to remove extra starch. Your restaurant style khichdi is ready to eat! 


2. Golden Potatoes


An easy quick-fix recipe if you are feeling the weight of Farali this time. The only ingredients you need are boiled potatoes, chilli, ghee, farali salt and some spices. 

  • For one serving, boil 3 medium potatoes and dice them.
  • In a pan, put one spoonful of ghee and fry the chillis and the potatoes.
  • After you can see some colour on the potatoes, add salt along with coriander, amchur powder or chat masala.
  • Fry until crispy or golden brown and serve in a bowl.

Now you can enjoy your farali-friendly golden potatoes snack bowl!


3. Saffron Sago Kheer


Who doesn’t remember the taste of their Ba’s delicious kheer like it was yesterday? While we can’t match that, this may help you remember her better! 

  • Boil and thicken half a litre of full cream milk on low to medium heat (Skimmed milk if you are skimming on fat intake)
  • When the milk thickens, it changes colour. This is when you can 4 tablespoons of washed unsoaked Sago in the milk.
  • Add raisins and sugar according to taste. Adding a pinch of salt at this stage will enhance flavours.
  • Roast cashews and almonds in ghee and set aside.
  • When the sago is cooked and the sugar is dissolved, add saffron to the kheer and turn off the stove.
  • Serve in a bowl, topped with roasted nuts.

Tip- If you use saffron colour, use it in a small amount. To use saffron threads, take a few threads and mix them in 1 tablespoon of water. Then add the mixture to the kheer.


4. Farali Singhara Dosa & Peanut Chutney


Having guests over Farali can be tricky, but this recipe will definitely help you out of this dilemma! 

Let’s get to it-

  • Wash and soak one cup of 1 cup of sabudana for 6 to 8 hours
  • Take one cup of singhara atta and Rajgira atta and mix well with some salt
  • Grind the soaked sabudana into a fine paste and the flour mixture
  • Mix in half a cup yoghurt( more if needed ) to make a smooth batter.
  • Take a flat non-stick pan and make your farali dosa with ghee!

For Rich and yum peanut chutney-

Roast peanuts in ghee and crush them into a paste.

Add yoghurt spiced with chat masala, salt and pepper to the peanut paste and serve!


5. Sama Dry fruits Pulao (2 servings)


Sama Pulao is your type of dish if you are into rich rich preparations. What’s even better is that this is a quick-fix 3 ingredient recipe!

  • Wash one cup of sama rice and soak it for 10 minutes
  • Wash and peel one big potato and slice it in half-moons
  • In a pressure cooker, add ghee, potatoes, your choice of dry fruits and toast with washed sama rice
  • Add 2 cups of water along with salt and chilli powder
  • Close the cooker and turn the stove to high. After one whistle, turn off the stove and let it decompress. 

This is a perfect farali recipe for dinner!


6. Kuttu ki Poori (serves 4 to 5 people)


If you are having a farali food evening get-together with your friends, serve this with peanut chutney and golden potatoes!

  • Take 1 cup of Kuttu ka atta and add 1 teaspoon ghee, homemade chilli flakes, salt and anardana powder
  • Boil 2 medium potatoes and grate them into the flour mixture
  • Make a firm dough, add water by spoon if necessary
  • Let the dough rest for 10 minutes
  • Roll out the dough in ½ cm sheet and cut out circles
  • Put a frying pan or kadhai on high heat and add ghee to it
  • Fry the poori circles and rest them for 6 to 7 minutes before serving

Tip for frying- put your kuttu poori in the hot ghee and hold it down with the help of a Karchi until it puffs off and then flip!


You can also check out our crunchy and scrumptious Sabudana Vada recipe posted on our blog and stories. Now you are all ready for the upcoming Farali!