Breakfast … Should It Be Skipped Or Not?

Well, we’ve been practically brought up on the thought that breakfast is the most important meal of the day; but still an estimated 25% people skip breakfast! Research on the implications of skipping your morning meal is a bit mixed - with some studies showing a connection between nixing breakfast and weight gain, while others claim that it can lead to weight loss.

So if you’re confused of whether you should eat breakfast or skip it, look no further…!

Benefits of Skipping Breakfast

While breakfast is skipped mainly due to paucity of time and lack of appetite research claims multiple potential health benefits for waiting until lunchtime to have your first meal of the day –

  • Reserving your calories for later in the day means that you consume fewer calories throughout the course of the entire day, which can lead to weight loss
  • Not eating breakfast is intermittent fasting per se. Heard of the 16/8 intermittent fasting protocol … well that’s what this works out into - you fast overnight for 16 hours and eat only during an eight-hour window. This apparently reduces overall calorie intake, pushes weight loss and improves overall metabolic health
  • Not experiencing indigestion vis-à-vis people who eat breakfast and immediately exercise after the same 

Drawbacks of Skipping Breakfast

  • Breakfast can curb late-morning cravings which translate into unhealthy food binging
  • Not eating a modest breakfast may lead to overeating at lunch or dinner 
  • A 2011 study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics claims that a diet including three meals and two snacks per day may promote weight loss and weight management. However, the study does not indicate that breakfast is necessarily more important than any other meal of the day
  • Eating a healthy (protein and nutrient-dense) breakfast helps keep you full and comfortable throughout the day as it maintains your blood sugar levels
  • Eating breakfast may improve your performance during morning or early afternoon workouts
  • Skipping your am meal may lead to nutrient and vitamin (vitamin D and A, calcium, iron, magnesium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc et al) deficiencies 

Whoa! Quite a long list of pluses and minuses, eh? Have we left you more confused with regards to whether you should be sitting at the dining table from tomorrow for your am meal or not? 

Well, on a concluding note whether or not to skip your first meal of the say depends on your lifestyle, metabolism and your preferences. If skipping breakfast finds you gorging on junk food later in the morning then please don’t miss your breakfast! If you are trying to lose weight and can’t do without your am meal then monitor portion sizes and track your breakfast calorie count. Remember in the end, everything boils down to following your body's natural hunger cues.