Burmese Khow Suey

Burmese Khao Suey ✨

Noodle soups have always been a go-to dish for me, for three main reasons -
1.The sheer convience of having an entire meal from a single bowl.
2.The incredible fusion/combination/amalgam of flavours adding to the uniqueness of every single dish.
3.Do I really have to talk about how wholesome these dishes are?

These reasons pushed me to try one of them out on my own.

Literally 'coconut milk noodles' in native Burmese, this dish is the mother of all noodle soups originating from South East Asia. Here, a thick coconut milk gravy comes together with an intense curried chicken broth to create a rich soup. The noodles is then added to this to make it an unforgetful meal.

That being said, this dish oozes a unique flavour of it's own. Use some fried garlic, finely chopped spring onions and peanuts, along with a dash of lime for garnish.

Give it a try at home, and lemme know how it works out. I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed.