Cheesy Moment

Searched the whole city for creamcheese while craving for a perfect cheesecake. Necessity and craving leads on innovation. My daughter steeped in and we had our most memorable day baking cheesecake together. And at the same time popped up foodism on my insta page and this was the perfect timing. Switching from metropolitan to a remote city gave limited access to food items. I eventually learnt and adapted myself starting to make most of the store bought food items at home. To my surprise they taste the best when cooked with family and love. 


Easy to cook recipe: For base: Crumble digestive biscuits 100gm Mix 2 tablespoon melted butter For Cream Cheese: Homemade cream cheese or store bought 500gms Mix 2 tablespoon sour milk Put 1 tablespoon vanilla essence 1/4 teaspoon black salt 1 cup granulated sugar For topping: Cook 200gm sliced strawberries Put 1/2 cup granulated sugar Take a baking pan. Place the base and press it all around the pan firmly as a thin layer. Put the cream cheese layer on it evenly spread. Place the cooled strawberry topping. Tadaaaaa. You're all set.