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Hack 1

Peeling kiwis is tad challenging vis-à-vis many other fruits as it has a hairy skin that is completely inedible, and needs to be peeled off from the edge. Normally people cut the fruit in half and use a spoon to scoop out the inside; however one may miss a lot of the fruit that is sticking to the sides of the peel. A great hack to utilize your kiwi to the fullest is to use the rim of a glass to separate the peel from the fruit. Now there’s no obstacle between you and healthy smoothies and fruit salads

Hack 2

The various phases of the lockdown have turned most of us into amateur gardeners growing our own fresh herbs in the garden! In case you don’t want to let any of these herbs to rot and go waste then here’s an awesome hack - Wash the herbs, and then chop and stuff them into ice cube trays. After they freeze, you will be able to pop them out and use them in any dish you cook. Presto … you’ve got fresh herbs all year round!

Hack 3

Has your knife gone dull? Don’t worry simply use the raw ceramic edge on the bottom of a bowl to sharpen your knife. But hey! Don’t try this hack on any valuable bowl as it may leave some scratch marks behind.

Hack 4

In case special tools to divide an egg yolk from an egg white are missing from your pantry then simply place a spatula over a glass, and then crack the egg on top. The white will spill through the slots of the spatula, and into the glass, and you can dump the yolk into a bowl. A slotted spoon will work just as well.