Crazy pizza

My classmates birthday was there We all group decided to take party from him As he was very( kanjus) type Every time taking party not giving party to anybody In front of her girlfriend we said to give us pizza party.

There was her girlfriend so he said yes to give party We gone to pizza hut We thought this is the time to take big party from him So order per person per pizza with topping or with extra cheese etc

While we were eating girlfriend's brother call to come back home for some work so she went to her home We almost eat pizza Only last piece of pizza was remaining

Birthday friend said I just come my gf to drop till out parking 1/2 hr he was not back We call him He was not taking calls also We wait till 1 hr Other friend gone to parking to check but there was not there After wards we altogether take out our money notes, Coins, secret money hide all that Because we all were not having that much money that time We were not planned so That time we call other friend which was not in party to give us money as birthday party turn into begging party N important that we paid our pizza money also but we had to pay birthday friend and this girl friend pizza also