Food BFFs During Pregnancy

Food BFFs During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when women are in the seventh heaven! New Age Moms want to ensure that they’re giving the best nutrition to the child in their womb; so all reservations about ‘gaining weight’ are thrown out of the window as expectant mothers need to add 400-500 extra calories each day to their diet during the second and third trimesters

Foodism curates some pregnancy-friendly super-foods that offer big nutritional bang for each bite -


This creamy green fruit is oozing with folate, vitamin B6 and healthy monounsaturated fats.


A tasty source of energy and rich in potassium, which plays a key role in promoting healthy blood pressure


Crammed with beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A; these are critical for developing your baby’s eyes, skin and organs.

Dried Fruit

Figs, dates, prunes and dried apricots are - quick, concentrated sources of energy; the nutritious way to satiate your sugar cravings; and a surprisingly valuable source of nutrients like fibre, iron, calcium, potassium, plus antioxidants. 

Tip – Keep your portions small


These cooked soybean pods are a tasty source of vegetarian protein, calcium, iron and folate.


An inexpensive, easy-to-cook source of protein and vitamin D

Tip – Cook eggs thoroughly 


A particularly potent pregnancy super-food as it serves up - folate, iron, vitamin C, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K and fibre 

Lean Meat

It’s - protein-packed; high in iron, critical to help your baby develop his red blood cell supply and support yours, too; and plays a role in baby's brain development. 

Tip - Cook your meat thoroughly


Rich in - proteins; folic acid (vital to forming your baby's brain and nervous system); and fibre (helps stave off pregnancy-related constipation)

Low-fat Milk

Besides calcium to strengthen your baby’s bones and teeth, milk also delivers vitamin D, iodine and plenty of protein.  


Yummilicious mangoes are another great way to get your fill of vitamins like A and C.


Nuts are replete with important vitamins and minerals like - magnesium, zinc, potassium and vitamin E, along with protein, fibre and healthy fats. So pop-in some walnuts, almonds and peanuts in your pocket! 


Oozing with fibre and magnesium while the former keeps constipation at bay the latter helps build healthy bones and teeth in your child


The whole grain delivers protein, fibre and iron along with calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. 

Red Bell Peppers

The best source of vitamin C and A, plus fibre 

Sweet Potatoes

A must-have especially during your first trimester as this veggie provides vitamin A 

Wild Salmon

One of the best foods to eat while pregnant as it’s packed with DHA omega-3s and iodine


Contains calcium, protein and folate; its active cultures can also help prevent stomach upset as well as yeast infections 

Tip – Opt for plain varieties of yogurt

And needless to say don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated with H2O!

So enjoy being pampered during your pregnancy and just connect with your gynaecologist with this list of foods and brainstorm where you might be falling short and how to fill the gaps.