Food For Men

When it comes to food what’s good for the goose may not be good for the gander. Men and women require a different set of nutrients for their bodies to function well; for the simple reason that the health risks for men and women vary a lot. One of the major differences between the male body and the female body is that the muscle mass in the former is higher vis-à-vis that in the latter. So where excess protein may boomerang in the case of women for men it may became a mandate; then again men being more physically active the calorie count of the food too needs to be on the higher end. Lastly, more protein translates to specific additional vitamins and minerals to digest it.

So here’s sharing a list of must-haves for men –

  1. Watermelon – Their rich potassium content boosts energy levels; and the lycopene is known to reduce the risk of prostate cancer
  2. Tomatoes – Packed with potassium, vitamin C and fibre they help keep the heart healthy
  3. Sweet Potatoes – Help boost immunity due to the high concentration of vitamin A 
  4. Sunflower Seeds -  They boost the vitamin E supply which acts as an antioxidant and fights disease-causing free radicals
  5. Spinach – Full of iron, vitamin K and fibre, spinach also contains loads of beta-carotene (vitamin A) which is vital for good vision 
  6. Soybeans - Rich in iron and calcium they help improve bone strength 
  7. Pumpkin – The high content of zinc in pumpkin helps improve bone density and strength
  8. Pistachios - Provide the necessary proteins; are good for the heart; and help in lowering bad cholesterol
  9. Oranges – The high content of vitamin B-9 improves the blood flow in the body
  10. Olive Oil – Replete with monounsaturated fats and light, olive oil alleviates the risk of heart disease 
  11. Mustard Seeds – Facilitates weight loss and is heart-friendly 
  12. Lentils – Oozing with proteins and carbohydrates, lentils provide the necessary energy required to carry out daily activities 
  13. Kiwi – Replete with vitamin C, kiwi not only facilitates a healthy blood flow but also helps fight anxiety 
  14. Garlic - Rich in allicin (an anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial) it enhances immunity among men and lowers the risk of stroke
  15. Cottage Cheese – The casein and whey protein in it help in increasing muscle strength
  16. Coconut – Its lauric acid helps boost good cholesterol in the body
  17. Chickpeas - Rich in vitamin B6 and dietary fibre
  18. Cashews – A rich resource of magnesium it helps in maintaining the muscles in the body
  19. Cabbage – Choc-a-bloc with the essential vitamin k and free of cholesterol
  20. Broccoli – Loaded with vitamin C, broccoli helps strengthen the immune system
  21. Almonds – Replete with protein, almonds are one of the most powerful snacks for men

Besides these men need to also include in their diet – oysters; bananas; fatty fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, herring); brazil nuts; whole grains; berries (cherries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries); plant stanols; and red-orange (red bell pepper, carrots et al) and dark leafy green veggies 

Just a few minor tweaks in the daily diet can work wonders for men’s overall health and well-being.