Foods that can boost your metabolism

Metabolism is the process by which the body converts food and drink into energy. Metabolism is a crucial bodily process that helps to manage weight. There are many products available in the market which claims to be body fat burners and metabolism boosters.

However, we as layman do not know what ingredients go into these products and at the end of the day, eating clean and fresh is the easiest and simplest way to maintain weight. 

Instead of draining your body with fad and lengthy diets, you can achieve the same results by making better lifestyle adjustments and eating foods packed with nutrients and promoting satiety. 

Let’s have a look at foods that boost metabolism

1. Protein-rich foods:

Protein-rich foods include legumes, dairy, eggs, nuts and seeds, can increase metabolism. These foods require more energy to digest, causing the thermic energy of food (TEF). 

TEF denotes the number of calories required by the body to digest, absorb and process the nutrients in the food.

High protein foods reduce the fall in metabolic rate, which can be often noticed during weight loss and help the body retain its body mass.

Proteins can help you have the feeling of your satiety by keeping you full and prevent overeating.

2. Spices that boost metabolism:

Spices, when eaten in the right quantity, can improve metabolism.

Ginger promotes digestion and metabolism. Adding 2 grams of ginger in hot water can help burn 43 calories. It increases the feeling of hunger and provides a feeling of satiety. 

Turmeric is a spice that has now gained popularity globally, and everybody has become aware of its amazing benefits. Not only turmeric aids metabolism, but it can also prevent dementia and cognitive decline. In Indian households, turmeric is an indispensable spice that never goes out of style.

Cinnamon has the capacity to boost metabolism, improve digestion and regulate blood sugar levels.

3. Coffee

Coffee is mostly seen as the bad guy, but the caffeine in coffee can help increase the metabolic rate by 11%.

Moreover, coffee can help burn body fat for energy and it is effective at boosting workout.

The stimulants in coffee help fight fatigue and charges up the body with energy. 

The creamers and sugar won’t help you to gain all the amazing benefits of coffee. Therefore, the best way to have coffee to increase metabolism is to have black coffee

4. Hot peppers:

Spicy foods or ingredients have a natural chemical called, capsaicin which speeds up the metabolism. Chilli peppers are particularly impressive in the spiciness level.

The bioactive compound capsaicin makes the immune system active against cancer cells. This compound also helps the body to burn more fat.

5. Seeds:

Flax seeds provide omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that reduce inflammation and improve the blood flow to the muscles that quicken metabolism. These seeds help improve digestion, add them to your diet by including them in chapati or grinding them in a powder and adding it to the gravy. 

Though tiny in size, chia seeds are packed with nutrients, fibre, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. These properties help in weight loss and boost metabolism.

Holy basil seeds (sabja) and chia seeds look similar but are different. Sabja contains soluble fibre, which promotes a healthy gut, controls sugar level, and increases good cholesterol levels. 

Sunflower seeds have proteins and vitamin B wh9ich are beneficial for women, especially pregnant women. Apart from helping with metabolism, these seeds help in reducing inflammation and reduce heart disease risk. 

You can include various seeds in your diet by mixing them and having small portions as a snack.

6. Coconut oil:

Coconut oil can be used as cooking oil due to its medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), reducing cholesterol and obesity. 

Both the anti-viral and anti-bacterial coconut oil help keep the gut healthy by maintaining a balance of good bacteria in the gut. 

The high-fat in coconut can give a boost to metabolism as it contains medium-chain fats, which are responsible for speeding up the metabolism

7. Whole grains:

Whole grains contain short-chain fatty acids that release leptin which is a satiety hormone. The high levels of fibre slow down the blood sugar release and balance the insulin spikes, which means that extra energy is utilised for digestion.

Also, brown rice, oatmeal and whole grains are difficult to break down and the body works harder to do so, which causes to accelerate metabolism

8. Seaweed:

Seaweed is gradually becoming known and people are on the lookout for adding it into their diets. Seaweed possesses a considerable amount of iodine which helps in balancing and producing the thyroid hormone.

These hormones are directly related to regulating metabolism and paying attention to improve thyroid health can help with the metabolic rate.

9. Water:

Hydration is the key. The simplest way to increase metabolism is to drink enough water and stay hydrated. 

When the body is fuelled with enough fluids, it works efficiently and transports energy to the body.

A study conducted on a group of overweight women aged 18-23 found that drinking 1.5  litres of water daily reduced the average weight and body mass index.

10. Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar, when included moderately in the diet, work wonders for the body.

Apple cider vinegar boosts metabolism in human by slowing the feeling of hunger and increase the feeling of fullness. 

The participants in a study were given four teaspoons of apple cider vinegar which concluded in them eating 275 fewer calories in the whole day.

11. Cocoa:

Who would have imagined that this delectable treat could benefit metabolism? Well, it is proven that it can stimulate the use of fat or energy.

One study suggests that cocoa prevents the power of an enzyme necessary to break fat and carbs during digestion. This, in turn, plays a role in preventing weight gain by limiting the absorption of calories. 

Metabolism solely doesn’t depend on the kind of food we eat but also depends on the amount of physical activity. However, consuming these foods regularly with a good amount of exercise to sustain a healthy body helps lose weight and maintain weight.