Grape and its health benefits

Grapes come in different colours like green, purple, black. Grapes have been cultivated for a thousand years and is perennially used to make wines. 

In India, Maharashtra ranks first in grapes cultivation, where cities like Nasik, Sangli, Ahmednagar, Pune, Satara, Solapur and Osmanabad Districts cultivates a considerable amount of grapes.

After Maharashtra, Karnataka (Bangalore, Kolar and Bijapur), Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh yield high grapes cultivation.

72 million tonnes of grapes are grown worldwide to produce wine majorly. It’s obvious to assume that wine is produced from the grapes available in the grocery store. But it’s not true. Table grapes and wine grapes are different.

Table grapes, or the raw grapes that we eat, have thin skin and are seedless as the farmers have bred them to be seedless or have small seeds over the years. Whereas wine grapes have thick skin, are smaller and have plenty of seeds. 

Unusual facts about grapes:

1. There are 8000 varieties of grapes known to scientists.

2.  Kyoho is the most grown variety of grapes which is grown in China.

3. Wine grapes are sweeter than table grapes.

4. Grapes are berries.

5. Grape skins naturally host yeast which is essential for making wine.

Grapes also have fibre and water like other fruits. Antioxidants and other nutrients present in them give some beneficial health benefits.

Let’s have a look at the various health benefits of grapes:

1. Protection against cancer:

Resveratrol, a compound found in grapes, has been found to have cancer prevention and treatment properties. 

This compound has shown results of slowing or preventing the growth of tumours in the breast, colon, liver, stomach, lymph, leukaemia and skin cancer. 

Apart from Resveratrol, grapes also have quercetin, anthocyanins and catechins that have anti-cancer properties. 

Foods with antioxidants like grapes can lower the risk of cancer, yet there are limited studies linked to grapes and cancer prevention.

2. Good for the eyes:

Grapes have antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin that help maintain good eye health. They can neutralise free radicals and reduce oxidative stress that prevents the damaging of the retina and prevents cataract.

Lutein and zeaxanthin protect the eyes from blue light that can damage the vision.

3. Prevents diabetes:

Resveratrol can protect from diabetic neuropathy that can affect nerve function. It can be due to this compound’s neuroprotective effects. 

Oxidative stress has been associated with diabetes, but as grapes have a high number of antioxidants, it may help prevent diabetes. 

Reservatrol can also protect from retinopathy, which can severely affect vision, especially in people with diabetes. 

4. May improve memory and attention:

In a study conducted on 111 healthy adults, they were given a 250 mg grape supplement, which improved the score on a cognitive test that measured attention, memory, and language skills compared to standard values. 

Resveratrol in grapes can prevent Alzheimer’s disease, though studies in humans need to confirm it. 

5. Control blood pressure:

As grapes have a high potassium content, they can reduce the effect of sodium in people with high blood pressure. 

Grapes are a good source of fibre that can maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, including heart health and blood pressure. 

6. May slow down the process of ageing:

Resveratrol stimulates a family of a protein called sirtuins which are associated with longevity. 

Plant compounds found in grapes can reduce the process of ageing and increase longevity. 

7. Fights bacteria, viruses and yeast infections:

Grapes have a good vitamin C content which is beneficial to the immune system. 

In test-tube studies, grape skin extract is shown to protect against the flu virus. Apart from that, the grape compounds resulted in stopping the herpes virus, chickenpox and yeast infections from spreading. 

8. Provide strong bone health:

Grapes contain several minerals that are necessary for bone health like calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin K. 

In a study, rats were fed freeze-dried grape powder for 8 weeks and the results showed better calcium absorption and retention as compared to rats who weren’t fed the powder. 

9. Help Reduce Cholesterol:

The compounds found in grapes are responsible for protecting against high levels of cholesterol by reducing cholesterol absorption.

A study conducted on 69 people with high cholesterol were given three cups of red grapes for eight weeks. The study showed a decrease in bad cholesterol in people. The same result was not seen with green grapes.

10. Treat constipation:

As grapes contain water and fibre, they keep the body hydrated, regulate bowel movements and reduce constipation.

Grape Sorbet


Green grapes 3 cups

Sugar or honey according to your sweetness preference

Lemon zest 1 tsp

Lemon juice 1 tsp 


1. Freeze the grapes till solid by removing the grapes from the stem.

2. Make a puree of frozen grapes in a food processor. Add all the remaining ingredients and pulse until everything is smoothly combined. 

The above recipe can also be made with purple grapes if you like its flavour more than green grapes.  

Grapes can be easily added to your diet for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It can also be eaten as a healthy snack. Some ways to enjoy eating grapes are eating it simply as a snack, including in fruit salad, drinking grape juice, or making a grapes smoothie.