Health benefits of Almonds

Health benefits of Almonds

If you like almonds, then read this blog to know its health benefits, fun facts, and different varieties. 

Almond is the seed of the fruit called a drupe. A drupe is grey-green in colour with a velvety and leathery texture. Almonds grow in countries like Spain, Australia, Italy, but 80% of the world’s almonds grow in California. 

Fun facts about almonds:

1. Almonds need extreme hot and cold temperatures to grow.

2. The immature green almond can be preserved and pickled and is considered a delicacy.

3. Wild bees and honey bees are the main source for pollinating almonds. 

4. Romans would gift almonds to newlyweds as they were known as a fertility charm. 

5. Almond trees were brought from Spain to California in the 1700s.

In the Indian household, almonds are given the utmost importance among other seeds and nuts. So much so when we come across somebody having a bad memory, we tell them, “badam kha” as it’s a belief that almonds sharpen our memory. 

We all know that almonds are nutrient-dense seeds that are rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. 

Let’s take a look into its more health benefits of this powerhouse of a seed. 

1. Almonds are high in vitamin E:

Vitamin E is from the family of fat-soluble antioxidants which build up in cell membranes in our body and protects from oxidative damage.

Higher vitamin E intake is linked to lower heart diseases, cancer and Alzheimer’s. 

2. Almonds can help control blood sugar level:

Almonds are a good source of magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that is associated with 300 bodily processes, including controlling blood sugar level.

25-38% of people with type 2 diabetes have a magnesium deficiency and when this deficiency is treated, it results in significant low blood sugar levels and improvement in insulin function. 

Including almonds in your diet may also offer significant improvements for metabolic syndrome. 

3. Almonds can reduce cholesterol levels:

High levels of LDL cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol, puts us at risk for heart diseases. Some studies have shown that almonds effectively lower LDL.

Almonds not just lower LDL but also protects LDL from oxidation, which is a crucial step in developing heart diseases. 

One study showed that snacking on almonds for one month lowered oxidised LDL levels by 14%.

4. Almonds can lower calorie intake:

Almonds are low in carbs and high in proteins and fiber. Eating almonds can make you full and help you eat less and consume lesser calories.

A study showed that eating 43 gms of almonds reduced hunger and the desire to eat.

5. Almonds can aide weight loss:

Almonds possess satiating properties and are effective for weight loss. 

A study conducted on 100 overweight women found that women who were consuming almonds in their diet lost more weight than those who didn’t. 

Almonds and other nuts are high in calories and should be avoided by binge eaters.

Different varieties of almond:

There are different varieties of almonds that grow all over the world. Some of the popular varieties are as follows:

1. Shalimar:

These almonds have a pointy end and are large in size. They have a crunchy flavour which is protected within a brown shell.

2. California Paper Shell:

This variety of almond is flavoursome and aromatic. The prominent feature of this variety is its papery light brown outer shell.

3. Nonpareil:

The shell of these almonds is thin and it matures rapidly to produce a thick sized nut.

4. Mukhdoom:

These are stout in shape and have a semi softshell.

5. Ruby:

The unique features of this variety are its semi-hard shell and the small to medium size kernels. These almonds take time to reach maturity.

6. Primorskij:

The weight of these almonds is the highest as compared to its other varieties. It has a papery shell and is mostly found in Kashmir. 

7. Fritz:

This variety offers the highest yield and matures faster than any other varieties. 

8. Waris:

These almonds are medium in size and have the widest breadth among other varieties. It has a bulge on one end and has a pointed apex.

 9. Neplus:

They are flat in shape and longer than other varieties. The elongated shell may have some wrinkles on the surface. 

10. Drake:

Drake will be round in shape and can grow to medium-big size. They are either light in colour or have a tan brown shade.

In Spain, the almonds with soft shells are called Mollar de Tarragona while the one in Ibiza is known as Fitas.

In Italy, the almond varieties are classified on the basis of the area of origin. In Italy, Puglia grows Tuono and Genco varieties of almond and Sicily produces Avola Pizzuta, Cavaliera, and Romana.

The various forms of almond:

Thanks to modern technology and changing lifestyles almond have transformed in various forms and are not only eaten as nuts. 

Almond milk has become an alternative to cow’s milk. You can just utilise it as your regular milk, pour it on your cereal, make coffee or tea. However, the quality of almond milk can vary and can sometimes have added sugar in it. 

People who have turn vegan can use almond butter on their sandwiches and also can munch on it. an 

Of course, you can have it as it is as your snack or top it on your oatmeal. Almonds also give a nice crunch to our chocolates and ice-creams. 

Almonds can relieve aggression, fight depression and anxiety. Eating these seeds before sleeping helps you fall asleep faster due to the magnesium and protein it contains. 

Almond does everything beneficial for your body, right from keeping your heart healthy to protecting from mental illnesses. So now that you know, its amazing benefits don’t forget to eat almonds and if you are forgetful then eat more almonds.