How interrelated are homeopathy and food

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" — Hippocrates. 

Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy, was well aware of the effect of foods that causes chronic diseases and foods that help in the healing process. He has emphasised the significance of a nutritious diet in various aphorisms of the Organon of the Art of Healing.

Hahnemann believed that if a patient had an illness, it could be cured by giving medicine that would produce similar symptoms of the illness in a healthy individual but at a milder degree. For example, a person was suffering from fever; then they would be given a medicine that causes mild fever in a healthy person. This derives from his aphorism ‘like cures like’, which is also commonly referred to as the ‘principles of similars.”

Homoeopaths say that they believe in treating the person as a whole depending on their dietary habits, personality, lifestyle and history of the disease. 

The homoeopathic medicines get absorbed in the oral mucosa and since it works from the mouth, it is advised that the mouth remains free from pungent flavours, taste and fragrances. 

It doesn’t demand abstaining from specific food items on a general basis but requires avoiding certain food based on the individual’s disease.

1. Skin Disorders: (General foods to be avoided)

  • Avoiding spicy foods control itching and burning
  • Avoid non-vegetarian food
  • Avoid artificially flavoured food 


Vitiligo occurs when cells producing pigment dies or stops functioning.

Foods to avoid

  • Unripe fruits, sour fruits, curd and anything sour
  • Steer away from artificially flavoured food and 
  • Avoid aerated drinks and junk food
  • Do not consume fish and other seafood. 


Psoriasis is a condition where the cells build up and form scales, itchy and dry patches. 

  • Food to abstain from while having this disease and taking homoeopathic treatment
  • Refrain eating spicy and pungent food
  • Avoid non-vegetarian food and artificially flavoured food


Hives can be caused by certain medication, food and stress. They are red and itchy marks on the skin’s surface.

  • Identify the allergens and irritant as they differ from person to person through an allergy test.
  • Do not eat spicy food and artificial treated food.

2. Gastrointestinal Disorders: (Ulcer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, fissure, piles etc.)

  • Avoid chewing tobacco and smoking
  • Avoid spicy food
  • Do not eat deep-fried food or junk food
  • Do not consume alcohol and aerated drinks

3. Nephrotic Syndrome:

It is a kidney disorder that causes the body to pass excessive protein in the urine. It is caused by damage to the small blood vessels in the kidney that filter waste and excess water from the blood.  

There are some strict dietary rules that a patient with nephrotic syndrome has to follow:

The first and foremost dietary aim in this syndrome is to replace the protein loss by taking an adequate amount of protein. But it should be kept in moderation so that excess protein doesn’t cause tubular damage to the kidneys. The diet should include less sodium and fat content with fluid intake, as suggested by the physician. 

Foods that need to be avoided in nephrotic syndrome

  • Foods with a high amount of fats should be avoided. 
  • Salted wafers, popcorn, snacks, chips, salted biscuits etc.
  • Pistachios, salted cashew nuts, walnuts, peanuts
  • Bread, biscuit, bakery products
  • Foods containing preservatives, noodles, pasta, commercial cheese
  • Commercial produce like salted pickles, papad, chutneys, curry powder

The foods that can be included in the diet of the patient suffering from the nephrotic syndrome are cow’s milk, skimmed milk, eggs, fish, chicken, lean meat, wheat, cereals, pulses and legumes, vegetables and fruits, soups, chocolate drink, juices (with low sodium content). 

4. Urinary System Disorder:

  • Vegetables like tomatoes, brinjal shouldn’t be included in the diet.
  • Avoid eating red meat.
  • Avoid alcohol and aerated drinks
  • Refrain from eating artificially flavoured food

5. Diabetes:

Do not eat fruits like mangoes and chikoo.

Refrain from eating sugar and sweets

Avoid eating deep-fried food.

Avoid eating heavy meals.

Do not drink aerated drinks.

6. Ulcerative Colitis:

It is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation in the digestive tract. During this condition, the patient suffers from constipation which can aggravate the disease further. To keep the condition stable, it is necessary to include fibre-rich foods in the diet.

The dietary regulation doesn’t vary much for the patients of UC than healthy individuals.  Carbohydrates, proteins, vegetables and fruits are the staples in their diet.

Dairy foods should be taken in small quantities so that the patient doesn’t suffer from diarrhoea. 


Foods to be avoided 

  • Foods with preservatives should not be eaten
  • Avoid eating spicy foods
  • Do not consume sugar and artificial sweeteners in a high quantity.

When you decide to choose homoeopathy, you need to research before considering it as a mean of treatment. It is always recommended to consult a registered homoeopath.