I'm Baking when I'm not making films!

When you are a filmmaker-in-progress and need to fill up your time in between projects, you keep thinking what else can be done. For a long time I couldn’t find an answer even though everyone around me kept telling me that I should cook for living. Cooking for my friends and family gives me pure joy and when they love what i cook, I feel even more grateful for the skill. But I didn’t listen to them for the longest time and when we were hit by Covid-19, just like everyone, I got time to think and cook simultaneously and I stumbled upon learning the art of baking, which I’d never attempted, just for fun. Turns out, I actually share the love for baking with my mom. Eventually, my mom and I decided to go into the home-baking business which brings us to our name Ru-B’s  Homebakers which comes from my mother’s name ‘Bharti’ and my name ‘Rutvi’ with a wish to spread joy and happiness in these times with our cookies!