Jim Jam Love

Bread jam has always been one of my favourite breakfast recipes and I always try to include new twists in it and make it a new recipe.

So today, I am gonna share the photograph of my favourite breakfast recipe, eggless strawberry french toast.

Since I am a pure vegetarian, I always try to make some innovations in egg recipes to make them eggless not compromising with the taste

So today, my father suddenly expressed his wish of having a french toast, I very well knowing that it's made with eggs tried to figure out some eggless substitute for it so I made a simple bread jam, dipped it in the milk and then toasted it on a pan and then topped it off with fresh strawberries and, it turned out to be damn tasty

This recipe is really worth a try, I think everyone who is looking for a eggless substitute of french toast should try this Inspired by- Chef Amrita Raichand