My actual source of inspiration = baking ?

The most random thought which made me fall in love with food industry was “one of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever we are doing and devote our attention towards cooking to detoxify all the negativity out”. Coming from a family where food is the main aspect of every celebration Or as I say Food is the soul reason for every celebration I grew up understanding the fact that a ‘recipe has no soul,a chef  must bring soul to the recipe’ . From watching my Grany making soufflés, snowballs, keema ke samose etc to adoring her passion towards cooking and cook books I discovered my career goals. I started to peruse my ideal career path by getting admission in one of the hospitality schools which are considered to be “the right choice” in India . In the initial years I hated the idea of choosing kitchen as my main department but the more I learned and practiced the more it became closer to my heart, now it has been almost a year since I decided to continue to build a professional career in this field but with the current COVID situation everything seemed to get delayed because of which I decided to start a Instagram page @bakew.m which would help me to stay motivated to practice everyday. It’s been more than a year and i am still Staying put in my decision of not joining my father’s restaurant business just so that I can get out my ofcomfort zone so that I can build something for myself which can reflect all my hardwork because I believe passion leads to success.


Life is a combination of magic and pizza! Because name anything better than pizza which can actually instantly make you happy.? Being a foodie as well as fitness freak has been a tough drill for me since I live to eat but also love to treat my body and immune in a fair manner. Which has been the main reason why I never gave up on my favourite soul food which however inspired me to realise that HAPPINESS IS HOMEMADE! As I always say that everything can be made at home and the most scrumptious pizza has a lot than just it’s amusing taste for which each and every taste buds might crave for. It is easy to make at home since Pizza is basically a savoury dish of Italian cuisine consisting of flattened bread dough with cheese,tomatoes and often various ingredients like anchovies, mushrooms, olives etc . Coming from a North Indian family I have always heard every one believing in the fact that a person should never count the calories instead you should have regards for the love which has been served with the food. I learned making pizza back in my college which turned out to be of great use during the lockdown so here’s a quick and easy recipe for all. Ingredients required:- “For the dough” (Serves 4 good large pizzas) •2 1/2 cups of warm water •1 tsp sugar •2 tsp instant dry yeast -Mix all of these ingredients together in this sequence and let the yeast produce little bubbles which means it is ALIVE,let it sit for 5-10 mins. \Moving further •7 cups of all purpose flour • 1 1/2 tsp salt • 6 tsp of extra virgin olive oil - Add all of these ingredients in the next step in the following sequence,in a big bowl and add the water and yeast mixture in it and knead a dough for about 7-10 mins (you’ll know the dough is done when you press the dough and it springs back). - Now make a smooth ball sorta shape of your dough, cover it with a wet cotton cloth or cling foil and let it rise for an hour or two. - After you see the dough has doubled in the size you can divide it into 4 equal parts and cover each single part with cling foil or cloth and let it rise for another 1 hour. Now coming to the pizza sauce •6-7 whole tomatoes •2-3 tsp oil • 2 clove garlic • Half onion • 2 tsp sugar • 2 tsp basil •Salt, pepper to taste - Cut small “X” at the end of tomatoes - boil them In a pan for 5 mins, take them out and peel the skin. -transfer 3tomatoes into a blender and blend until smooth. -Now in a pan out oil, garlic and onions until they turn golden brown -Add the leftover tomatoes and cook. -Add the purée now,add the seasonings and cook for medium flame. // preheat the oven for 10-15 mins ~After the last proving now it’s time to roll out the dough! - so roll out the dough in a concentric circle/oval (in my case) - [ ] - Use your pizza sauce add good amount of mozzarella cheese on top of it and bake it at 180 °C for about 15-20 mins when you see the crust is all red and golden brown!