My first sausage pizza at home

I had a secret desire to bake cupcakes and cakes and pizzas for a very long time and so when I got my first salary while doing my PhD, I grabbed that opportunity to gift myself with a IFB convection microwave. But I was so worried to try out a pizza although I was baking cupcakes and even a chocolate cake but too confused about a pizza..

And then the sudden visit of covid in our life stopped the normal flow of our life but turned me into a fine cook actually! And I discovered my passion lies not only in baking but in cooking. And this started my food blog on Instagram. So one day my best friend told me that you are doing so great with so many new recipes so why are you still afraid of a baking a pizza!

That day I finally gave it a try.. and without dry yeast I made the soft pizza dough. It was actually so perfect my younger brother n my parents couldn't believe that it's homemade! I topped it with chicken sausages, capsicums, onions, tomatoes, some black olives and a great amount of mozzarella cheese and some peppers n red chilli flakes and oregano..

It is a hit at home and we thoroughly enjoyed it at home. Since then I had evolved much as did my cooking and baking skills but this is the most fond memories of mine with a pizza! So shared with you guyz..