Paneer kheer

It is an indian dessert made with milk, crumbled paneer, sugar, cardomon powder and saffron .I prefer making it with freshly prepared home made chenna.

⚡🌈💫♥️💫🌈⚡ Ingredients - 1 litres milk 1 cup paneer 1/2 cup powdered sugar 1 tsp cardomom powder 8 - 12 strands of saffron. Method - Get the milk to boil in a heavy bottomed pan for 20 - 25 mins till it thickens and is almost reduced to half. Stir regularly so that the milk does not form lumps. Crumble the paneer or chenna and add it to the milk and allow it to cook for another 20 - 25 mins. The pudding thickens in this time. Add the sugar, cardomom powder, saffron strands and allow it all to boil for another 5 - 7 mins. The kheer is ready .Garnish with dry fruits of your choice. Serve chilled .💯

I added some flavours and natural colours to enhance the taste and colour of the kheer.

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