Pharmacy degree traded for a chef’s apron!

Pharmacy degree traded for a chef’s apron!

It was Nuha’s passion for cooking that led this pharmacy graduate to set up ‘My Global Kitchen’ which today brings food and people together at the City of Pearls…Hyderabad

Nuha Iftekhar, Founder and the Head Chef at ‘My Global Kitchen’ traded her pharmacy degree for a chef’s apron in order to pursue her childhood passion of cooking. It requires a lot of courage to not bow down to the standard expectations from society and take the bold step of following the call of one’s heart, doesn’t it? But Nuha did this and how it’s paid off! Today ‘My Global Kitchen’ is a name to reckon with in the food segment.


It all started years ago when alike a majority of daughters Nuha too picked up the ladle to assist her mother in her cooking. But she used to love the time spent in the kitchen and she groomed, nurtured and refined this passion for cooking by practicing and perfecting recipes across various cuisines roping in the help of the internet, recipe books, local workshops and through experience sharing with family and friends. In a nutshell, Nuha latched onto every possible opportunity to learn!


Nuha shared that “I started my kitchen with the sole purpose of teaching and disseminating my love for cooking to other young girls and women around the city. The response was phenomenal and extremely encouraging. My students urged me to take up catering and started ordering food for their special occasions. It’s been two-and-a-half years now and we have conducted various multi-cuisine cooking workshops and catered to hundreds of orders!”


Basically ‘My Global Kitchen’ brings food and people on a single platform and their services radiate through the tempting, flavour-filled, home-styled food with the ultimate thrust being on seasonal and freshly selected ingredients.

The menu of ‘My Global Kitchen’ includes around 150 dishes from Mughlai, Mediterranean and Pan Asian cuisine. They have a mind-boggling array of desserts and are probably one of the few places in Hyderabad who have 15 flavours of cheesecake on their menu card!


They have recently added high tea platters which are fast gaining popularity. They also provide salads for the fitness enthusiasts; all kinds of grilled proteins; and gluten-free breads for the health-conscious segment.


In the pipeline are plans of further expanding their menu, their geographical reach and their food business in general and tapping the corporate sector.

Nuha signs off with a message for our young readers and chefs out there “Remember that you are never too old to dream and follow your passion. I started my business at the age of 32 with no prior experience; although initially it was not easy but my love for my work kept pushing me through. And trust me - the amount of satisfaction you get at the end of a hard working day cannot be compared to any other pleasure! So go ahead and follow your heart but do put in a lot of dedicated efforts too!”