Ragi Malt Beetroot Hadbad

Ragi Malt Beetroot Gadbad ( Falooda)

Ingredients FOR the Kheer 

1cup whole milk 

1/4 cup palm jaggery

1/2 cup vermicelli 

FOR Ragi Malt 

1cup the Ragi flour mixed with water should be dosa batter consistency 

3 tsp jaggery powder 


1Beetroot diced

FOR Layering/Decoration Fruits of your choice 

diced 1 Apple 1Banana 1Pomegranate seeds 

Dryfruits of your choice Cashewnuts, walnuts, almonds,raisins 

Dollop of Chocolate Icecream Sugar-free or any icecream of your choice 


Method : 

Prepare vermicelli kheer 

Boil milk add palm jaggery, then finally add vermicelli. 

REFRIGERATE for abt 2hrs.  

BOIL ragi flour adding jaggery. 

AFTER cooling refrigerate for abt 2hrs. 

Next puree the beetroot and extract it's juice. 

Refrigerate it too.

FINAL step is assimilation of all ingredients in a layered form. Remove from refrigerator. 

Take an ice-cream glass. 1st layer should be fruits layer. Next layer should be the vermicelli kheer. 

Followed by ragi Malt layer. 

Next should be the beetroot juice. 

Followed by ragi Malt layer, vermicelli layer,fruits, lastly top with icecream of your choice. 

I wanted it to be sugar-free hence icecream that's sugar-free has been used. 

Top this with dryfruits. A healthy millet loaded with the richness and goodness of different fruits dryfruits veggie beetroot and jaggery .