How About Eating Your Water?

While on the one hand, adequate water intake rings-in a plethora of pluses like - improved digestion, positive mental health, clear skin and an overall better quality of life; on the other hand a dehydrated body displays symptoms such as - fatigue, low blood pressure, headaches, muscle cramps and poor skin quality. 

But ironically, despite being aware of the crucial role water plays in regulating the varied functions of our body staying hydrated is an eternal struggle for us…specifically so in the rainy season when humidity is at its peak. 

Well did you know that hydration isn’t just about how much you drink but also what you eat! Research claims that an average human being gets around 20% of his/her daily hydration from the foods he/she consumes - so long as it’s a decent range of fresh fruits and vegetables like the ones showcased here  (we’ve also brought you a sneak peek into their other nutrients and vitamins) -


Along with 90% water content, cantaloupe is rich in vitamin A.


Carrots are 90% water in addition to being one of the best sources of beta-carotene.


Alongside clocking-in a 92% water content this veggie is choc-a-bloc with fibre and choline … and the best part is the variety of food items it can be used in ranging from soups, veggies and savouries!


This veggie not only facilitates weight loss due to its low number of calories and extremely high water content (95%), but it also contains key nutrients like vitamin K, luteolin and apigenin that apparently facilitate strengthening of weak bones and inhibiting of growth of cancer cells.


Now this veggie packs-in quite a punch besides 95% water like - potassium; vitamin C, K and A; magnesium; manganese; beta-carotene; flavonoids; triterpenes; lignans; cucurbitacins  et al!


Copper, manganese, potassium, vitamin B and K, viscous fibre and 89% water is what eggplant brings to your table!


These potassium bags possess 80% water content.


Chlorogenic acid; vitamins A, C, and B; potassium; as well as a water content of 88% is what peaches have on offer.


This cruciferous plant has 95% water and is renowned for alleviating excess heat and inflammation in the body.


Besides 91% water content strawberries also boast of micro-nutrients like folate, manganese, and phenolic substances. 


With a whopping 92% water content, we now know where this delicious fruit gets its name from! Besides carrying H2O, water melons are replete with lycopene and vitamin C and A.


Can you believe that those delicious raw zucchini noodles are actually 95% water? And hey…that’s not all they also pack-in vitamin C.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and ‘eat’ your water this monsoon through an array of fresh fruits and veggies