Semolina Pizza

Loaded with the goodness of fresh veggies, this semolina Pizza is all things good and is a pretty healthy alternative to the traditional pizza and makes for a great option for "colazione" as well as "Spuntini Serali!"

A pizza so "Delizioso" that even an italian lad would say "Spettacolare" after having it!

To spare you of the efforts of hunting the meaning of all the italian words used above, here's a glossary of the same!

"Buono" - "tasty"
"Colazione" - "Breakfast"
"Delizioso" - "Delicious"
"Mamma Mia!" - "Oh my god!"
"Spettacolare" - "Spectacular"
"Spuntini Serali" - "Evening Snacks"


{Instagram Handle: @Feastoclick}