Sizzler and childhood

While looking at this picture two things come to my mind; at first all I can hear is the sizzling sound and later my childhood.On birthdays we used to go to restaurants for dinner and all the first thing I used to whisper to my parents was "SIZZLER"

It was fascinating for me and how it cannot be it's just oddly satisfying. My love for sizzler was not only during childhood I still love it be it veg or nonveg. During the lockdown period we all started cooking so did I;the chef within me woke up

I started experimenting, while doing so the thing that kept crossing my mind was visiting a restaurant and having one sizzler. As it was not possible, I thought of making a sizzler at home. At first I failed but now I have got my hands on it.

now we are not missing restaurants anymore. Home cooked food is indeed the ultimate comfort. Every picture tells a story and so does this. @Bhargavee.27