Strawberry Pannacotta with Oreo Mousse

We as a family are kind of slightly weird as none of us relish chocolate desserts. Oreo biscuits are something that we can adjust with. Chocolate and strawberries are a classic combination and I was wondering how can I combine both of them keeping our tastes in mind. So Oreo biscuits came to my rescue and I was able to create this tasty summer dessert.


Ingredients: For Strawberry Pannacotta: 250gm fresh strawberries; 5 tsp sugar (adjust to taste); 1 tbsp Bakers gelatine; 150gm hung curd; 30ml milk; 2 tsp lemon juice (optional); For Oreo Mousse: 100ml Amul whipping cream; 6 Oreo biscuits; 3 tsp sugar (adjust to taste); 150gm chopped fresh strawberries; Process: 1. Blend half of the fresh strawberries with the sugar in a blender. Add lemon juice and mix in the puree. In case the strawberries are tart enough, one may choose not to add the lemon juice. 2. Melt the gelatin in some warm water and keep aside. 3. Whip the hung curd and milk together till slightly stiff. 4. Now mix the melted gelatin in the yoghurt - milk mixture. 5. Fold the strawberry puree into the mixture lightly. 6. Pour the mixture into 6 chilled glasses and let it set in the refrigerator for 20mins. 7. Meanwhile remove the cream from the Oreo biscuits and crush them finely. 8. Whip the chilled whipping cream with the cream from the biscuits and sugar till soft peaks have formed. One may choose to add sugar as per individual taste. 9. Now fold the crushed Oreo biscuits in the whipped cream with light hands. 10. Pipe the Oreo flavored whipped cream on top of strawberry pannacotta which would be set in the glasses by now. Chill in the refrigerator for another 15 mins. 11. Meanwhile, chop the remaining strawberries and slice a couple into halves. 12. Spread chopped strawberries on top of the dessert and garnish with halved strawberries. Chill for some time and serve cold.