Strawberry Tiramisu

Tiramisu is one of my favorite desserts and as much as I love the classic version, the variations to this amazing dessert just take me by surprise. Though I whipped up the dessert on occasion of Valentines day, this is a summer cooler easily made using frozen fruits. 

Ingredients: 20 fresh strawberries 1 tbsp honey For Sponge Cake: 1 cup refined flour ¼ cup Fortune oil ½ cup Milky mist curd ½ tsp Bakers baking powder ½ tsp baking soda A pinch of Tata Salt 1 tsp vanilla ½ cup sugar (adjust sugar as per your taste) For Cheese mix: 100ml Milky Mist cream cheese 50ml Amul whipping cream 50ml Amul Medium fat cream 2 tbsp sugar (adjust according to your taste) For Strawberry Jelly: Weikfield Strawberry Jelly Process: 1. Finely chop the strawberries and mix them with a tbsp of honey and keep aside. 2. For Sponge Cake: Whip the wet ingredients first and then fold in the dry ingredients using the cut and fold method. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for 35 mins. Cool the cake and cut it in accordance to the size and shape of the glass to be used for serving. 3. For Cheese mix: Whip the cream cheese at low speed till it is soft in texture. Then add the whipping cream, cream and castor sugar and whip the mixture till it is light and fluffy. Now mix in the left over chopped strawberries (if any). 4. For Strawberry Jelly: Mix according to package instructions. 5. Assembling the dessert:  Spread a layer of chopped strawberries dipped in honey.  Now dip the sponge in diluted honey and place in the glass.  Pipe the cream cheese mixture and smoothen. Now chill for an hour to set.  Spread the strawberry jelly mixture and let it set in the fridge for an hour. 6. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and serve cold.