Tech-savvy Hotels

Tech-savvy Hotels

With cashless and contactless being the new normal hotels need to up their tech quotient to keep their customers safe

An extremely useful learning from the global pandemic is the need to reinvent, repurpose and revamp. When it comes to the hospitality industry – hotels which host national and international guests in particular - there’s ample scope for revamping technology to ensure that both internal and external customers remain safe and protected.

This is the right time for hotels to take a meaningful step towards AI and other technologies. Foodism shares some cues for the same – 

  • Self-check-in with codes given on the customer’s mobile to open guest rooms
  • Mobile apps of the guests to enable them to connect to all buttons and switches in the room for - controlling the room temperature, switching on lights, controlling the temperature of the shower, operating the television remote etc. - without having to use their fingers
  • Virtual views on the televisions - in the restaurants, lobby and bars - to keep a tab on the number of people and ascertain that there’s no crowding 
  • With in-room dining being the new trend, installing gourmet food dispensers on floor pantries would be a good idea
  • Digital payments of bills and food and beverage at kiosks with receipt ejection alike ATMs
  • Liquor options in the guest room mini-bar that will automatically bill the guest folio when bottles are withdrawn from the bar
  • Self-service room amenities 
  • Revenue Management Software to calculate room occupancy and rate predictions
  • Big Data analytics to constantly monitor the behaviour and attitude of guests to facilitate provision of customized services
  • Options like - robots for cleaning carpeted and other surfaces; and automated dish washing

While some of the revamp strategies suggested above entail investment others just invite a minor tweaking in the administrative budget of the hotel. And isn’t this expense worth the safety of your guests and your staff…?