Top 7 Things Your Dog Loves to Eat and Why They Are Good For Him


Top 7 Things Your Dog Loves to Eat and Why They Are Good For Him 

One thing a dog cannot live without is food. Just like us humans, dogs get motivated by food and all their instincts are motivated by the fact that food helps them sustain. But they don’t just eat for survival they also have a lot of taste receptors in their tongue just like us human beings. 

Dogs are essentially carnivores and love to eat all kinds of meat like chicken, beef, pork, duck and other such meat derivatives. But in India, most dogs have a mixed diet that includes meat and vegetables. It is also important to keep in mind npw dogs have been domesticated in such a way that they aren’t treated like working dogs in a lot of metro cities in India. So it is important to have a diet that doesn’t lead to obesity and suits the city life perfectly. 

So let’s talk about the 7 things your dog loves to eat and why they are good for him. 


Dogs are inherently carnivores but can survive on a diet that has a mix of meat and Vegetarian food. But the love for animal derivatives is clear as that is the closest thing to meat that is vegetarian by logic. Which is why they love a milk by-product like curd. It is full of calcium and doesn’t create digestive problems like full fat milk does. It also acts as a cooling agent in summers and can be given when they have an upset stomach. 


Another milk derivative that is light on the tummy and is absolutely loved by dogs is Paneer or cottage cheese. A lot of doctors recommend this for dogs who can’t digest meat. It is packed with protein, calcium and is low on fat so can be given in monitored amounts. 


This crunchy veggie is full of water and will keep your pooch hydrated. They love munching on cucumbers as it proves to be an excellent source of low-calorie snack that is super crunchy and has low levels of sodium. It is great for summers and can be added in the diet if your dog doesn’t drink a lot of water. 


This one here is their absolute favourite. It can be cooked, dehydrated or sometimes if your dog’s digestive system permits - raw as well. But giving raw chicken to your dog should only be done if his vet permits it. Chicken is a lean meat that is full of protein and can be easily digested by your dogs. You can boil it with water or bake/dehydrate it and they will love every bite of it. Avoid giving it raw as it has salmonella that is harmful not only to humans but in some cases, to dogs as well. 


The next best thing after chicken is undoubtedly, the eggs. They love it and can have it daily if their vet permits it. The reason eggs are good for your dogs is because they are packed with protein, riboflavin and selenium. If your dog tends to gain a lot of weight then you can avoid giving him the yolk as it is full of fat. The best way to deal with this problem is to feed it to strays as they need a lot of energy and can digest the yolk very easily. 

Peanut Butter 

This is one of their favourite treats amongst all other treats. It is crunchy, nutty and creamy. We recommend giving a sugar and salt-free variant that is much more healthy. It is packed with good fat, protein and Vitamin E and can be given in moderation. 

Soya Chunks 

Soya Chunks are a very good alternative to all kinds of meat, especially chicken. All you need to do is soak them in some boiling water and add a pinch of turmeric and you are good to go. The texture is such that your dog will like it too. It is packed with protein and is good for those dogs who are obese. 

It is important that you consult your vet first before planning a diet for your dog as all dogs are different and may or may not be allergic to certain foods. Do good research on what is good for them and what is not and then give them a balanced diet along with a lot of exercise to digest it.