V-Day special, Choco-berry cake?

I am a romantic happy-go-lucky person and love sweet gestures. 

Happily ever afters in rom-coms give you me whirlpool of happiness. 

I love making LOVE everyday❣️ with joyous grin filling my face. 

But since, there happens to a be very special day to express live to all our beloved ones, hence i thought of making a choco-berry Cake infused with dark chocolate and cream cheese for my family. 

Very Soft, very chocolatey and too appealing to eat it up! 

This Valentine’s Day Chocolate Covered Strawberries recipe is an easy way to make this romantic and pretty treat at home. 

A cup of flour, Half cup of sugar, Melted chocolate half a cup of milk, a pinch of baking powder and an hour inside the oven is all it took for the this delightful cake to bake!! 

Topped it up with strawberries and CreamCheese. Keep spreading Love anf happiness Everyday❣️