Why do you need to change your cooking oil?

Why do you need to change your cooking oil?

Are you looking for alternative cooking oils and want to change to healthier options? If yes, then you need to read this blog to find out various healthy oils that are packed with multiple nutrients required for a healthy body. The oils have been categorised on the basis of whether they are used in high-temperature cooking or find the cold application. You’ll be surprised to know all the oils that have made their way in the two categories. Read now to know more!

Eating healthy and consciously has become the need of the hour. Due to the unhealthy lifestyle that we are following by eating junk food, disrupted sleeping patterns and no physical activity, it has become essential that we bring about a change in our lifestyle through our diet.

Whenever we want to cook, oil is an essential or rather an indispensable ingredient for our meals. Majority of the population uses oils like groundnut oil, cottonseed oil, coconut oil, and vanaspati-ghee. 

These oils do more harm than good as these oils are refined. Etymologically speaking, while ‘to refine’ means to purify but in this case “refined,” may mean that the oil was processed with acid or refined with an alkali or bleached. These oils can also go under the process of neutralisation, filtration and deodorisation. All these processes require chemicals like Hexane - which means that a lot of its residue stays in these oils and can be harmful in the long run.

Nutritionists and other health experts suggest unrefined oils, pressed or refined without using chemicals as they have more nutritional value. 

We know it might be daunting to change your cooking oil all of a sudden and without a proper understanding of the roles of different oils. But we are here to help you figure out which oil you might want to switch to and also which oil can be used in various forms of cooking. 

Oils for high-temperature cooking:

1. Avocado:

Avocado has a high smoking point and therefore, can be used for high-temperature cooking. This oil serves as a great alternative for regular cooking oil as it doesn’t have a strong flavour. It is packed with Vitamin E, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. If you do not have a budget constraint, then you can surely use this oil for cooking.

2. Olive:

When choosing olive oil, you need to make sure it is extra virgin olive oil as it is not overly refined and processed (pomace oil). Olive provides better heart health as it contains monosaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, just like avocado oil.

3. Rice Bran:

Rice bran oil has gotten hyped in India during recent years, eight years to be precise. It reduces cholesterol levels, promotes skin health and contains vitamin E. Also, this oil will not burn a hole in your pocket.

4. Sesame:

Sesame oil contains a nutty flavour and is available in cold-pressed, toasted and dark and light variations. It is anti-inflammatory, contains antioxidants and is beneficial for heart and skin health.

5. Mustard:

Only if you aren’t deterred from using mustard oil for it’s peculiar and pungent taste, then you can surely use this oil for cooking. It has cancer-fighting properties, aids digestion and also cures many diseases related to muscles, skin and joints.

6. Wagga Wagga:

Wagga Wagga oil gets perceived as quite an unusual oil and has recently launched in India. But this oil which comes from the Wagga Wagga region of Australia is a boon for people with diabetes and is one of the healthiest and most wholesome cooking oil for the Indian consumers.

Alternate cooking oils for cold applications in cooking:

These oils can be used for salad dressings, sauces, dips and drizzling. 

1. Pumpkin Seed:

Pumpkin seed oil can be used for both sweet and savoury dishes. It has high zinc content, omega 3, omega 6 fatty acids. Apart from its wholesome nutritional value, this oil is said to reduce the risk of cancer, support heart health, reduce anxiety symptoms, improve memory and help in treating diabetes.

2. Walnut:

This oil is better for cold applications only because when heated, it becomes slightly bitter. Unrefined walnut oil can be used in desserts to enhance its flavour and works perfectly for salad dressings. This oil slows the ageing process, decreases heart disease risk and reduces cancer risk. 

3. Flaxseed:

If you want to incorporate flaxseed oil in your diet, then adding it to your smoothies or milkshakes is the most convenient way to do so. Flaxseed oil improves skin health, helps treat constipation and diarrhoea and may help reduce cancer cell growth.

4. Almond:

Almond oil can be used for drizzling on your pasta, salads or even your milk. This oil is believed to be a boon for fighting skin woes; it’s anti-inflammatory, boosts immunity and helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

5. Grapeseed:

Grapeseed oil has a very mild taste and fits perfectly as a salad dressing. You might want to choose a cold-pressed option when opting for grapeseed oil. Grapeseed oil assists in lowering cholesterol levels, aids in good heart health and contains vitamin E, which helps in boosting immunity.

Incorporating these oils in your diet will provide different nutrients which are required by your body. Health experts recommend to keep switching your oils to get the necessary health benefits from other oils. For example, If you have used olive oil for three months then the next three months you can use rice bran oil. In this way, you can get the best of both the oils and nutrients from them. 

We hope you will be able to find your best pick and switch to a healthy lifestyle by switching to healthier cooking oil options.