Air  Fryer  Broken  Wheat   Patties / Dalia pattie

By Tanu Sharma

Mar, 27th


2 persons
Cook Time
20 minutes
11 - 13


  • 1small cup broken wheat flour (dalia)
  • 2 small size carrot (grated)
  • 2 big size potatoes (boiled)
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 1 tbsp red chilli, ginger and garlic paste
  • 1/2 tsp haldi powder
  • 1 tbsp roasted cumin powder
  • 1 tsp ajwain
  • 1 tsp amchur powder
  • 1 tsp garam masala
  • 2 bread slices
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp oil for brushing


  • First soak broken wheat / dalia in lukewarm water for 1 hrs. Drain it. Then grind it into a mixture with green chillies and ginger coarsely. Add little water. In a bowl add boil potatoes and mashed with masher. Then combine all the ingredients mix it well. Add 1 tsp oil and knead a smooth dough. No need of adding water. Once it is done then keep aside.
  • From the dough take a small ball and make in a patties. Once it is done keep aside. Now it is ready to bake.
  • Mean while preheat Air Fryer 200 degree C for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes take out the basket. Brush oil in the basket and arrange the patties in the basket. Don't over crowd it won't bake properly. Now bake the patties 200 degree C for 10 minutes. Once it is done. Check it.
  • Transfer to a serving plate. Sprinkle tomato sauce and it is ready to serve............................Hot....................broken wheat / dalia patties with tea or coffee......................