If you’ve ever tasted plain banana juice, you’re probably familiar with the chalky mouthfeel and bland flavor that normally characterize foods with a lot of starch.

Banana juice

By Vinay Kumar

Mar, 30th


1 person
Cook Time
10 minutes
2 - 4


  • 2 Bananas
  • 1/2 apple
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 ½ cup milk


  • Wash the bananas and apple, and pat dry.Peel the bananas and cut into slices. Peel and cut apple into halves. Take one portion and cut into medium pieces, keep another half for other use. them.
  • Add banana chunks, apple pieces and honey in a blender jar.Add milk. (Use milk for better taste or use water to make it a low calorie juice).
  • Blend all ingredients together until smooth puree.Check the consistency, if you feel that its too thick, then add more milk to dilute it and blend it again for 5 seconds. Pour it into serving glasses, garnish with a banana wheel and serve.