Barnyard millet noodles

By Tanu Sharma

Mar, 22nd


4 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
5 - 7


  • 1 Onion
  • 1 Bell pepper
  • Carrot1
  • Paneer1/2cup
  • leaf Coriander
  • 3 tbsp Oil
  • Salt


  • First rinse and shred or chop all the veggies then set aside.Increase the quantity of veggies according to your preferences add if you like.
  • Next heat 5to 6 cups of water in a pan.Then the water comes to a boil 1/2 tsp salt.Next add 1/2tsp oil and mix well.Add any natural oil
  • Then add the noodles I have used whole barnyard millet noodles cook the noodles you will be using according to the package instruction as every variety of noodle will have a different cooking time.Now boil until the noodles are cooked Al dente.Then drain the cooked noodles in a colander or sieve.Next rinse the noodles with fresh water.After that set aside.
  • Now heat 3tbsp oil in a wok or pan.keep the heat to low or medium low add all veggies.Next stir fry or saute for some second.Now continued to toss and stir fry on a medium to high heat until veggies are almost cooke then add salt and masala stir and mix well.Finally add the cooked noodles.
  • Keep on tossing and stirring till the veggies are mixed well for minute or two.switch off the heat.