Blue Curacao Lemonade is a very simple mocktail.This is a very lovely blue mocktail that we can make at any occasions.This refreshing drink is made with Sugar syrup,Mint leaves,ice cubes, drinking soda, blue lagoon syrup and lemon.

Blue Curacao Lemonade With homemade syrup

By Ilamnaz Khatoon

Apr, 10th


1 person
Cook Time
1 hr
7 - 9


  • 1 – Orange
  • 1/2 cup – Water.
  • 1/2 cup – Sugar
  • Blue color – Few drops
  • 3-4 – Cinnamon pieces
  • Lamons – 2
  • Ice cubes – as required
  • Mint
  • Soda water or any kind of white cold drink.


  • First of all, take n orange and grate the orange.
  • Now collect the orange zest and put it in a small bowl.
  • Cut the orange into 4 pieces
  • In another small bowl, squeeze the orange nicely.
  • Take a pan and put it on heat and add 1/2 cup of sugar into it.
  • Add 3-4 small pieces of cinnamon into the pan.
  • Now add 1/2 cup of water.
  • With the help of a spatula stir, it And cook it until boil.
  • Boil it for 5 minutes
  • When you see the thickness in the pan, just turn the flame low.
  • Now, add orange zest in a pan
  • Add the orange juice to the pan
  • Stir it nicely and add 2-3 drops of blue color to it.
  • Again mix the color with the help of a spatula and cook it for another 2 minutes.
  • After 2 minutes, just turn off the flame and let it cool down.
  • Now, when it cools down completely just strain it in a small bowl.
  • Finely, our homemade blue curacao syrup is ready.
  • First of all, halve the lemon with a knife and remove all lemon seeds and cut them into small pieces, and put them into glasses(one lemon for one glass).
  • Now, crush the small lemon pieces with the help of a muddler and add mint leaves.
  • Add ice cubes according to your own preferences.
  • Now, add 1&1/2 tbsp of blue curacao syrup in glasses.
  • At last, add soda water, or any kind of white cold drink.
  • Finally, add a straw and stir and garnish of lemon or cherry it, and our homemade blue curacao lemonade is ready to serve.


Lemonade is an integral part of this cocktail. So you can prepare home-made lemonade or get one from a store. Fresh lemon juice adds more tartness to the drink and gives that extra zing to the cocktail. Instead of Lemon, you can also add Lime juice. Some prefer adding Simple syrup and Lemon Juice only instead of Lemonades. This is fine as well, only thing is this one is a little sweeter.