Bread chaat

By Arun Kumar

Mar, 24th


2 persons
Cook Time
20 minutes
9 - 11


  • Bread
  • Butter
  • Potato
  • Red chilli powder
  • Salt
  • Chat masala
  • Onion
  • Tomato
  • Sweet chutney
  • Green chutney
  • Sev


  • Heat a non-stick pan. Toast bread slices till lightly crisp. Remove from heat and cut into medium size roundels.Reserve the leftover bread. Place roundels on same pan and toast till golden and crisp. Remove from heat and set aside. Cut the edges of the leftover bread and toast the edges on same pan till crisp. Spread some butter on the toasted bread roundels and place them on a serving plate. Slice the potato and place one slice on each bread roundel. Sprinkle some chilli powder, chaat masala and salt on top. Put some chopped onion, chopped tomato and sprinkle some more chilli powder, chaat masala and salt on top. Top it with sweet chutney, green chutney and sev. Take the toasted bread, dip one side of the edge in sweet chutney, green chutney and sev.