Chena payas

By Mohini Gupta

Mar, 24th


4 persons
Cook Time
1 hr
6 - 8


  • 2 litre whole cow milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar for milk
  • 1/2 tsp cardamom powder
  • 1/8 tsp saffron
  • 1/4 cup sugar for thin syrup
  • 2 tbsp white vinegar
  • As needed Water
  • handful Almond for garnish


  • Heat pan on medium heat and add 900ml milk. Keep stirring do that it doesn’t stick to the bottom. Scrape the sides as well. Now let the milk comes to the boil. Once it will start boiling turn off the stove and let milk sit for a minute. Add 2 tbsp vinegar little at time slowly stir while adding vinegar. Leave it for a minute then you will see milk has nicely curdled.
  • Line a sieve with muslin cloth/cheese cloth and drain chenna. Wash chenna well with water so that no smell of vinegar is left in chenna. Pick up cloth and squeeze with light hand. Do not apply much pressure. Make a knot and hang cheese cloth for about 45 minutes.
  • In a pan add 1 liter milk, keep stirring for about 20 minutes. Crush some saffron strands with ½ tsp of sugar, ½ tsp cardamom powders and add in the milk. Cook milk for 15 more minutes while stirring. Add ½ cup of sugar (you can adjust to your taste) stir well and cook 5 minutes. Sweet milk is ready.
  • Knead chenna well using your palm for 3 minutes. It will turn soft.Take a very small portion of dough and make tiny ball. Prepare rest of the chenna balls in the same way.
  • Heat enough water in a pan and bring it to boil. Add ¼ cup of sugar, keep heat on medium high bring it boil again. Transfer prepared balls in boiling thin syrup. Close the lid and wait for 5 min on high heat. Cook for 5 more minutes on low-medium heat. Turn off the heat and let it rest for at least 30 minutes.
  • Take them out with a spatula and gently press balls with another spatula. Add them in prepared sweet milk. Give gentle stir cook for 5 more minutes on low medium heat. Turn off the heat. Let it cool down and refrigerate it for 4-6 hours.garnish with almonds and saffron strands.