Healthy detox drink.

Chia seed water

By Pooja Gujarathi

Apr, 20th


1 person
Cook Time
5 minutes
2 - 4


  • 1 glass water
  • 1.5 teaspoon chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoon lemon extract
  • 1 tsp honey


  • Take a glass and pour water into a cup or glass. Add a teaspoon or two teaspoonfuls of chia seeds to the glass of water. Stir well and keep stirring for few minutes.
  • They do not settle at the bottom and needs proper stirring for them to get mixed well. Let them sit in water for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour or 2 hours if not in a hurry. They need to be stirred in between soaking to help all the seeds plump up well. They absorb water and expand at least ten times their size after soaking. These soaked seeds chia water expand in their size and using chia seeds in soaked form is more beneficial than not in a soaked form.
  • The flavor is mild and does not actually contain any taste to define. Its just a plain drink. Now add some lemon extract to improve flavor and can taste good and help to drink easily. Also, add honey to make to sweeter and help to consume easily.