Choco Swirl Pathisapta

By Aparna Deb

Feb, 18th


6 persons
Cook Time
1 hr
9 - 11


  • Mawa/khoa
  • Sugar/Jaggery
  • Milk
  • All purpose flour
  • Rice flour
  • Samolina
  • Sugar
  • Cocoa powder
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Oil


  • For filling: In a Pan first take half cup of milk and add grated Mawa and sugar, mix it in low flame...make a thick sweeten paste of mawa for filling The of pancakes and transfer to the plate for cooling.
  • In a mixing bowl take all Purpose flour, semolina, rice flour, sugar, salt and mix. Now add water and mix again till a lumps free batter(Neither very thick not very thin) will form.
  • Divide the batter into two part.keep one part in rest and in another part mix Cocoa powder (if you wish you can add some chocolate syrup). Mix till no lumps, if required add little water. Keep aside both the batter for 10-15 mint.
  • Now pour the both batter to two piping bag or squeeze bottles separately. Heat a non stick flat pan and smear oil.
  • First Squeeze The Chocolate Batter In The Center To Make A Small Circle Than Squeeze The White Batter Just Around The Chocolate Circle Without making any space over low heat. Again squeeze the chocolate batter and than normal batter by giving few secs gap.
  • The overall pancake (alternative the chocolate batter and normal)must be around 5inch in diameter. Now add prepared Mawa mixers on the pancake in one side and roll it. Let the roll set for a minute. Transfer to the plate.


"A twist to Bengali traditional pithe"...