Coconut Pink Swiss Roll

#myrecipe #FoodismSummerBonanza
By Tanu Sharma

Mar, 22nd


4 persons
Cook Time
10 minutes
2 - 4


  • 2 cup dessicated coconut
  • 4 tbsp condensed milk
  • 1 tsp pink food colour
  • 1 tsp vanilla essense


  • Firstly take a pan roast decicated coconuts just for 2 minuts.Now put desiccated coconut in a bowl add condensed milk,vanilla essense mix well and make a dough.
  • Divide this dough in 2 parts. In a first part add pink colour and make pink dough.and other part make remain white.Now take a clean wrap or foil paper firstly spread pink dough and above that spread white dough and make a roll.
  • Now this roller refrigerat for 2 hour. After that cut into a round shape.Coconut pink Swiss roll it ready to serve.