If any one who is fasting and wanna fill the tummy this is the option

Fasting Aloo Chaat

By Shraddha Shah

Apr, 5th


2 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
4 - 6


  • 4 potatoes cut in cubes
  • 1.5 tabspoon oil
  • 1 tabspoon lemon juice /dry mango powder
  • 1 tspoon red chilly powder
  • 1 tspoon roasted cumin seeds powder
  • Salt - rock salt powder as required


  • Peel wash and cubes potatoes. In pan heat oil add cubed potetoes saute well till change colour and tender. Transfer them in bowl.
  • Now add all rest ingredents in to potatoes and cover bowl with lid or plate and toss. Sprinkle some fresh green coriander leaves chopped.
  • If you don't want green coriander leaves in fast you should skip them.
  • Your easy but tasty tangy spicy fasting aaloo chaat ready to eat. Thank you đź’•đź’•


Have it when you hungry in fasting, easy to make