Fruity Punch

By Debojani Roy

Apr, 23rd


2 persons
Cook Time
15 minutes
10 - 12


  • Fresh orange juice
  • Fresh mango juice
  • Guava puree
  • Lemon juice
  • Black grapes
  • Water or soda
  • Basil sprig
  • Ice cubes
  • Sugar
  • Black salt
  • Orange slices
  • Chilli powder


  • Extract fresh juice from orange and mango.
  • Make fresh puree from guava.
  • Add soda or water.
  • Mix well the juice and puree. Strain it.
  • Then add sugar and salt according to taste.
  • Mix salt and red chili powder in a bowl.
  • Brush the rim of the serving glasses with lemon juice.
  • Press the glass upside down into the salt chilli mixture to line their rim.
  • Pour the fruit punch mixture in serving glasses.
  • Garnish fruit punch with black grapes and orange slices.
  • Serve it with basil sprig and ice cubes.


1. Add soda or water as per preference or it can be completely omitted. 2. Add any fruit juice of your choice. 3. If you don't prefer guava then it can be omitted. 4. Serve it chill. Make it in advance and keep it in refrigerator for atleast 1hour.