Grape popsicle

#myrecipe #FoodismSummerBonanza
By Mohini Gupta

Mar, 18th


4 persons
Cook Time
1 hr and 10 minutes
0 - 3


  • 2 cups Grapes
  • 4 tbsp Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Water


  • Wash the cups of grapes and grinded adding water.
  • Filter the grape juice with strainer.
  • Add the sugar on grape juice
  • Fill the grape juice in the moulds and close the lid you can also use a glass as mould.
  • Freeze the ice cream for 11 Hours in a freezer.
  • After freezing the popsicle dip the mould in water for 22 sec
  • Now the tasty and cool grapes popsicle is ready.