Grean nd white chicken khorma with ingredients

By Chandrajith Veliyath

Jan, 20th


3 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
8 - 10


  • Chicken bone less cubes
  • Coconut paste
  • Thick Coconut milk
  • Coconut oil
  • Garlik chopped
  • Shallots sliced
  • Salt
  • Fresh coriander leaves and curry leaf paste
  • Garam masala
  • Fennel powder


  • Sorte garlic and sliced shallots untill brown
  • Add chicken, add water, put salt, let it boil in slow fire
  • When the chicken half boiled add coconut paste
  • Add garam masala and fennel powder when its done
  • Add coconut milk and check salt.
  • Remove the chicken pieces and keep aside, and take out 60percent of the gravy, put coriander leaves curry leaf paste To remaining gravy and let it cooked in a slow fire for two minuits..
  • Pore two gravies in the same time in to the plate from both sides.. and arrange removed chicken pieces on top of the gravy.. you can have it with traditional kerala pathiri


This is my style of making chicken khorma using kerala ingredients