IDLI & Chutney

By Swati S

Apr, 17th


16 persons
Cook Time
20 minutes
9 - 11


  • Urad Dal
  • idli Rice
  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Water
  • Dessicated coconut
  • Roasted Chana dal
  • Green Chilli
  • Ginger
  • Corainder Leaves
  • Salt
  • Oil


  • For Chutney: Grind desiccated coconut , green chillies, ginger,coriander leaves, roasted chana dal together with some water to a fine paste. Take out in a bowl and add salt as per taste. Chutney is ready


Fermentation of better depends on the weather and temperature so keep the batter in a warm place. Do not cover the bowl with a plate. Make sure you cover it with a mesh plate Do not mix the batter too much once it is fermented else the idlis will not be soft