Jeera cookies

By Shaalini Shaalu

Mar, 30th


10 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
4 - 6


  • Cumin
  • Flour
  • Salt
  • Butter
  • Milk
  • Castor sugar


  • Take a large bowl and combine butter with castor sugar. Whisk them together until the mixture becomes fluffy and creamy. Keep it aside. Now add flour and cumin seeds in a deep bowl. Sprinkle salt as per your taste and mix the ingredients well. Then, add this mixture to the butter-sugar mixture and add milk. Knead the mixture for a stiff dough. Preheat the oven at 360 degrees Fahrenheit. Meanwhile, use a rolling pin to roll out a thick sheet of dough in a rectangle shape. Place this sheet on a glazed baking tray and use a cookie cutter to cut out small circles of the dough. Place the baking tray in the oven and bake for 20 minutes Remove from oven, store in an air-tight container and serve.